banniere horslesmurs2
Some visuals served as the backdrop for a series of portraits realised by the artists during all the event. Everyone in his fancy,has built his own presentation playing with the elements and atmosphere offered by the photo-painted. These improvised and playful sittings have been a source of exchange and pleasures shared with passers-by and residents.

 Jean Giono street

 Tage street

 Vandrezanne street

Exchanges books

The artists have invited passers-by and residents to a dialogue using a book installed close to some of the works displayed. Carried by the Institut de France Foundation-Art Dialogue, this initiative lasted the whole time of the project. These written exchanges, photographed represent more than a hundred pages. The books have enabled people to give their feelings face the displayed visual and unleash their own imagination with poems, drawings and reflections on art, the city and life. They allowed the artists to assess the impact of their in-situ works on the public and to keep track of enthusiasm that the initiative has attracted.